In an unprecedented turn of events, three 13-year-old schoolgirls from a remote village in Karur district, Tamil Nadu, found themselves on a remarkable journey fueled by their unwavering passion for K-pop sensation BTS. Undeterred by the lack of passports and financial constraints, these Class 8 students hatched a daring plan to travel to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, to meet their beloved stars.
The trio, navigating the complexities of adolescence and fueled by their love for music and dance, took an unconventional route. With little money and armed with sheer determination, they set their sights on the seaports of Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu and Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. After careful consideration, they chose Visakhapatnam as their point of departure to embark on a ship bound for South Korea, according to a statement from a Child Welfare Committee official.
The story becomes even more poignant when considering the challenging family backgrounds of these young enthusiasts. One of the girls comes from a single-parent household, while another’s father faces mental health challenges. The mothers of these girls work as farm laborers, leaving little time for close supervision. Recognizing the need for support and guidance, the Child Welfare Committee intervened, urging parents to make suitable arrangements for their children.
Highlighting the extraordinary nature of this journey, the official underlined the importance of parental involvement, emphasizing that the parents needed to ensure their children’s well-being. After counseling sessions, the children were safely reunited with their families and accompanied back to their home district via train on the night of January 6.
This heartwarming yet unconventional tale sheds light on the power of youthful passion and the lengths some are willing to go to pursue their dreams. While the girls may not have reached Seoul to meet BTS this time, their audacious spirit and love for music have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on their community.