Manjummel Boys, the latest Malayalam film directed by Chidambaram, is making waves at the box office. Following the success of Premalu and Bramayugam, this survival thriller has captured the audience’s attention and is on track to cross the half-century mark in terms of gross earnings.
With a strong start and positive word of mouth, the film has already grossed over 40 crores worldwide. The exceptional hold on weekdays suggests that it won’t be long before Manjummel Boys reaches the coveted 100 crores gross mark.
The movie, based on a true story, follows a group of friends on a journey to Kodaikanal. It features a talented cast including Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Basi, Balu Varghese, Ganapati S Poduval, Jean Paul Lal, Deepak Parambol, Abhiram Radhakrishnan, Arjun Kurian, and others in pivotal roles.
The success of Manjummel Boys underscores the growing popularity of Malayalam cinema and the audience’s appetite for engaging and well-crafted stories. As the film continues its impressive run, it’s poised to become one of the biggest hits of the year.