In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers have unveiled a direct link between the explosive demise of massive stars and the formation of enigmatic celestial bodies – black holes and neutron stars. The revelation comes after two independent teams meticulously observed the aftermath of a supernova explosion in a nearby galaxy, providing concrete evidence for the existence of a peculiar “compact remnant” left behind in the stellar wreckage.
The teams harnessed the power of two cutting-edge telescopes, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) and ESO’s New Technology Telescope (NTT), to peer into the immediate aftermath of the supernova event. What they found challenges long-held theories, shedding light on the mysterious fate of stars much more massive than our sun.
When these colossal stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, their own gravity triggers a rapid collapse, culminating in a violent explosion known as a supernova. Scientists posit that what remains after this cataclysmic event is the ultra-dense core or “compact remnant” of the star. Depending on the mass of the original star, this remnant metamorphoses into either a neutron star or a black hole – two of the most enigmatic entities in the cosmos. A teaspoon of material from a neutron star, for instance, would weigh a staggering trillion kilograms on Earth, while a black hole’s gravitational pull is so intense that not even light can escape.
While the compact remnant theory has long been held in the realm of astronomical hypotheses, direct evidence has remained elusive. Until now. In 2022, South African amateur astronomer Berto Monard made a pivotal discovery, identifying the supernova SN 2022jli in the spiral arm of the nearby galaxy NGC 157, located approximately 75 million light-years away.
The aftermath of SN 2022jli proved to be a celestial anomaly. Unlike typical supernovae, whose brightness gradually diminishes over time, SN 2022jli exhibited a unique behavior. Its overall brightness declined intermittently, oscillating in a distinctive pattern every 12 days or so.
Astronomers meticulously pieced together these celestial clues and reached a groundbreaking conclusion. The peculiar brightness pattern observed in SN 2022jli is attributed to the interaction between the compact remnant and the supernova’s companion star – a rare survivor of the explosive event.
This discovery marks a pivotal moment in astrophysics, providing tangible evidence of the existence of compact remnants and offering unprecedented insights into the intricate chain of events following a supernova explosion. The celestial stage is set for further exploration, as scientists endeavor to unravel the mysteries surrounding these compact remnants and their role in shaping the cosmic landscape.